Corporate law is a set of legal norms regulating the creation and activity of economic societies and partnerships. This system of rules established by owner or management. The subject of corporate law involves many legal aspects, closely connected with the objects of other branches of law.
The corporate attorney will take care of your problems such as: the machine of Your organization, business protection, pre-trial settlement of corporate conflicts. Protection of Your interests in court. Drafting the quality agreement. Experience in a commercial entity allows the lawyer Nikitina Alexandra A. to organize and structure the legal components of Your legal problem.
- pre-trial settlement of corporate conflicts between participants and Society;
- representation of shareholders (founders) at General meetings of shareholders (founders);
- analysis of financial and economic activities of Joint-stock company and actions of its Executive bodies for violation of legislation;
- assistance in the preparation and conduct of the Board of Directors, ordinary and extraordinary General meetings of shareholders (participants);
- determining the optimal scheme of management bodies of organization;
- advice on the choice of the system of management bodies;
- advice on organizational-legal form legal entities, variants of distribution of profit;
- analysis of constituent documents on conformity to the legislation;
- legal support of transactions;
- the issues related to registration of legal entities, amendments to constituent documents;
- assistance in minimizing risks;
- drafting of contracts, correction of contracts;
- claim work;
- participation in negotiations with contractors;
- development of measures for protection against takeovers;
- representation in state authorities;
- representation of interests in court;
- representation in the Executive production;