Regardless of the circumstances, the lawyer Nikitina A. A. will help you defend your interests in court. Extensive experience in dealing with such situations and perfect knowledge of the law allows our lawyers to win almost any case.
The practice also suggests that the registration of ownership of the apartment under the investment agreement is virtually painless for the developer, but the original terms are usually violated. Of course, in this situation, you have every right to go to court.
Simply goes by the title the advance or contract of sale, however, there are cases when this procedure was delayed for more than five years. Therefore at the slightest suspicion on your part, we encourage you to contact me and I will give you detailed advice about your further actions.
Regarding the timing of the registration of ownership of real estate through the court, they largely depend on the experience of the professionals leading this case. The more experienced lawyer representing your interests in court, the faster it will be resolved in your favor. On average, when you contact us you will spend only 3-4 months until the recognition of property rights and its design.
Many tenants in the event of a breach by the developers of their obligations to the last don’t want to go to court – repeatedly write collective complaints and taking other similar measures which are absolutely ineffective. I recommend you to go to court. If you want to registration of ownership of the apartment passed as quickly as possible with minimal emotional and financial cost, contact a lawyer Nikitina Alexandra – I will tell you the most effective legal sanctions for unscrupulous developers.